The National Prevention Council, created by executive order in June 2010 and "charged with providing coordination and leadership at the federal level and among all executive departments and agencies with respect to prevention, wellness and health promotion practices," has released the first-ever National Prevention Strategy: America's Plan for Better Health and Wellness. Of note to DCs, regarding Clinical and Community Preventive Services, the report recommends "enhanced coordination and integration of clinical, behaviorial and complementary health strategies," stating:
The 122-page report offers comprehensive evidence-based recommendations for improving the nation's health and wellness and focuses on seven priority areas, many of which doctors of chiropractic address in their clinical wellness recommendations: tobacco-free living, preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use; healthy eating; active living; injury- and violence-free living; reproductive and sexual health; and mental and emotional well-being. The entire report is accessible online.
"The National Prevention Strategy encourages partnerships among federal, state, tribal, local, and territorial governments; business, industry, and other private sector partners; philanthropic organizations; community and faith-based organizations; and everyday Americans to improve health through prevention," said U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, MD, council chair. "For the first time in the history of our nation, we have developed a cross-sector, integrated national strategy that identifies priorities for improving the health of Americans."
"We know that preventing disease before it starts is critical to helping people live longer, healthier lives and keeping health care costs down. Poor diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use, and alcohol misuse are just some of the challenges we face. We also know that many of the strongest predictors of health and well-being fall outside of the health care setting. Our housing, transportation, education, workplaces, and environment are major elements that impact the physical and mental health of Americans. This is why the National Prevention Strategy helps us understand how to weave prevention into the fabric of our everyday lives."
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