PEMF Therapy and Your Practice
September, 2016
Since low-level laser therapy, aka cold laser or laser biostimulation,
was introduced more than 20 years ago, it has slowly gained acceptance
and is today used in many institutional and private practices. It has
had a slow adaptation curve.
Avoiding Practice Madness: Hire Smartly, Fire Promptly
August, 2016
Hiring and firing at the appropriate times and for the appropriate
reasons can be a tricky dance. Without a human resources department,
many chiropractors are left to do the heavy lifting all on their own.
Making Money With Active Care (Part 2)
August, 2016
In an active care protocol, most patients will receive a chiropractic
adjustment plus 2-3 units of active care. In the limited insurance
reimbursement payment model, combined with a DMPO discounted fee
schedule for non-covered services, the total average fee per office
visit will range from $55-$75.
The Complete Guide to Buying or Selling Your Practice
August, 2016
The key ingredient needed for successfully selling or buying a
chiropractic practice is money. For the seller, the primary goal is to
receive fair market value for the practice, as I've discussed
previously; for the buyer, it is acquiring the necessary funds to
purchase it.
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