How to Have Conversations With MDs (Part 2)
October, 2016
Keep in mind, this may be overkill for a busy MD, but having something
like this prepared can help move an already established relationship
forward efficiently and impressively.
Website Tips to Support the New-Patient Journey
October, 2016
These days, even with a glowing referral from a trusted friend, most
prospective new patients will visit your website before scheduling an
appointment. In this way, your website supports your existing patients
in their attempts to refer others.
How to Master Your Mindset: Getting in Flow
October, 2016
Even the most successful chiropractor will tell you there are good days
and bad days. There are times when you're in the groove, magnetizing
incredible opportunities; and other times when you're discouraged and
exhausted, feeling as if all your efforts are being wasted.
Great Customer Service Is Job No. 1
September, 2016
As a consultant in the health care industry, the most common question I
hear is, "How can I keep new patients coming into my practice?" It is a
legitimate question when one considers the increasing level of
4 Mistakes That Damage Your Online Credibility
September, 2016
In today's society, where almost everything is posted online, making sure your chiropractic practice has a positive online reputation is essential to your business success.
How to Have Conversations With MDs (Pt. 1)
September, 2016
This article is meant to help you have successful, pivotally important
conversations with medical doctors that could determine the way they
view your work and if they choose to refer patients to you.
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