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Industry News for CareCreditSM

2995 Red Hill Ave, Suite 100
Costa Mesa, California 92626
800-300-3046 ext.4519

    Free CareCredit® Online Reports Make Patient Follow Up Easy

    COSTA MESA, CA., AUGUST 2010 -- CareCredit®, the nation's leading provider of patient financing, has free online reports available to help enrolled practices market to and follow up with new and existing patients.

    Practices can use the Cardholder Available Credit Summary Report to identify existing patients who applied for CareCredit in the practice and have available credit to use for additional treatment or ongoing care.

    The Non-Activated Cardholder Report lets practices identify new patients who came in for a consultation and applied for financing through the practice, but never used their CareCredit account to pay for treatment.

    Practices can access these free online resources through the CareCredit desktop tool or on

    As the nation's leading provider of patient financing, CareCredit has helped more than 7 million patients get care and is offered in over 130,000 healthcare practices nationwide. For more information on how to increase treatment acceptance and patient retention with CareCredit, call 800-300-3046, ext. 4519 or visit

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